img 9016As a result of the twinning (2001-2002) between the city of Avezzano (Abruzzo - Italy) and Huamanga (Ayacucho - Peru), the result of the effort dell'ERCI Team Onlus in social-environmental and sports with the support of the NGO Green Life of Lima and the important collaboration huamanghina, was activated on February 5, 2014 in the village of San Lucas Chanchayllo, District of Clare, Province of Huamanga, the Center for Research and Study of Andean Puna, with a sober and exciting ceremony.

The Centre, as its principal objective will be aimed at the conservation of the environmental, historical, cultural and archaeological heritage unique in the world of the habitat of the Puya raimondii; it arose in the adjacent area dell'A.C.R. Forest Titankayocc of project funded by FIP as part of the conversion program (projects instead of money) foreign debt of Peru to Italy. [Presentation of the project in the historic official visit of the Ambassador of Italy Dott. Sergio Busetto Ayacucho April 2, 2005].

The creation of the Centro Andino Nature is the result of the collaboration of international cooperation aimed at environmental conservation, in the study of biodiversity and in the socio economic development of the areas and territories mostly mountainous and isolated, in which the Italian Embassy in Peru, for by the Italian Institute of Culture in Lima, on a proposal from the Peruvian Government, launched in the 90's call for help to the Abruzzo National Park to protect a rare plant Andean Puya raimondii. Was realized with the Parks Board and the Italian team ERCI the historic expedition scientific naturtalistico-sports Salvemos the Natutaleza "(scientific mission of 27/09/1997) in which the foundations were laid for the creation of an Area of ​​Conservation Regional in Ayacucho .
The Centre will be mainly informative reference environmental-agricultural campesino communities of San Lucas de Chanchayllo, Quishuarcancha, Sachabamba, Raccaraccay and Niños de Jesus Huarapite, but also a place of awareness and training in ecotourism, as park guards, guides ecoturistiche- natural-sports, archaeological to specialize in the Abruzzo National Park. Another important activity that will be developed will be the application of new methods of scientific research involving universities, institutions and national and international organizations, mostly Italians, in order to promote synergies between regional development and biodiversity protection.

The Nature Center of Andina Chanchayllo, also assumes an international value if you think ADVISABILITY {connection with the Centers already operating: in Italy the Nature Center Marsica> (Municipality Avezzano) and Ethiopia Research Center for Biodiversity of Orazio Antinori highlands of Shewa Ankober (CAMS {University of Perugia).

Today Saturday, February 8, 2014 was signed the Protocol of collaboration, management and promotion of national and international school of the Centre between the Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga Dr. Amilcare Huancavari Tueros, the Mayor of the District Municipality of Clare Mr Frorencio Gomez Paquiyauri and President dell'ERCI team Onlus Geom. Sergio Rozzi, representing also the City of Avezzano-Regional Reserve Monte Salviano expressly delegated as Ambassador of Tourism and Sustainable Development of the City of Avezzano in Peru.

During the ceremony, the Mayor of the Provincial Municipality of Huamanga gave an award to the Mayor of the City of Avezzano Dr. Giovanni Di Pangrazio and another representative of the Mayor and the City of Avezzano presented the special jewel The Chimera dell'Orafo Montaldi, symbol Marso people, depicting a fantastic complex animal.

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Via Luigi Pasteur, 15 - 67051 AVEZZANO (AQ)
Iscr. Anagrafe Unica Onlus 14 Luglio 2004, Prot. N. 26548
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