Sport Sustainable

ecomarathonErci Team has worked for years in cooperation with other organizations and institutions in specific sports projects and cooperation in Italy, Nepal, Kenya, Uganda, and since 1995 in Peru.

He has developed specific knowledge in the issues of sustainable development, certification of sports events, gained with the marathon classic, with the study and application of environmental issues in sport.

The drafting of the "Code of sustainable development in sport", Agenda 21 for Sport and Tourism Sustainable Parks and sensitive areas is the result of knowledge acquired over the years of valuable experience developed in the National Park of Abruzzo.

volante vischongo 2014Sunday, September 11, 2011, in the village of Vischongo, in the Andean region of Ayacucho (Peru-central), it is the VI Vischongo Ecomarathon, a test skyrunning, where about sixty athletes braved the prohibitive altitudes of between 3,150 and 4,200 meters above sea level, dominated by Puya raimondii Harms.

The race, over distances of 7:21 Km, was organized by Erci Team Italy Onlus, and by th [...]

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vishongo 2012This September 11 will take place in Ayacucho the sixth edition of Eco-marathon Vischongo Skyrace the only race in Peru officially recognized by the ISF (International Federation Skyrunning).

Vischongo the 2011 Eco-marathon brings novelty Skyrace a new circuit for the 21K and 7K special layout for those who wish to participate in minor but not without beauty and excitement distances. The layout of the routes in our web.

maratonLas inscriptions are already open in the municipality of Huamanga, the municipality of Visc [...]

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Cooperazione e solidarietà

58x1000 all'Erci Team Onlus

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Via Luigi Pasteur, 15 - 67051 AVEZZANO (AQ)
Iscr. Anagrafe Unica Onlus 14 Luglio 2004, Prot. N. 26548
Cod. Fisc. 90026930660

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