Affected communities

      • San Lucas de Chanchayllo
      • Quishuarcancha
      • Sachabamba
      • Raccaraccay
      • Niños Jesus de Huarapite


TitankayuqTitankayuq (Quechua TITANKA Puya raimondii, -yuq a suffix to indicate the property, "the one with TITANKA", other spellings Titancayoc, Titancayocc, Titankayoc, Titankayocc, Tutanccayoc) is one of the most important habitats of Peru for the Puya raimondii.

The forests of Puya raimondii are in the region of Ayacucho, Province of Vilcas Huamán, District Vischongo, at altitudes between 3,250 and 4,250 meters above sea level.

Titankayuq was declared a conservation area by the regional Supreme Decree of 23 December 2010.

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The project is developed in the central region of Ayacucho, located more than 3,000 meters high. 11 rural communities in the area live in poverty. The political violence that has affected the whole country and especially this region, from 1980 to 1992, resulted in the destruction of several important infrastructure projects, pushing private investment and causing mass migration to the cities.

Objective of the project was to equip the population day appropriate tools prr overcome the socio-economic backwardness.

The project is geared towards the conservation of natural resources and ecotourism development, in particular through the protection of the ecosystem of the Puya Raimondi Haras. This has helped the beneficiary communities to create new jobs and improve their economic conditions.

Among the actions carried out indicate the construction of the Research Center of Chanchayllo; the construction and operation of shelters and ecotourist Chanchayllo Vischongo; the renovation of the shelter ecotourism Pomacocha; the establishment of three companies in Hostels in ecotourist resort Pomacocha, Chanchayllo and Vischongo.

The project also aimed at strengthening the capacity of local farmers in 14 communities, through the implementation of municipal nurseries and 4 of 6 modules for the breeding of guinea pigs.

Carta de Intencion- Proyecto “Fortalecimiento de capacidades locales dirigidas al logro de la ecostostenibilidad del A.C.R. Rodal de Puya Raimondi – “Titankayocc”

Una experiencia de gestiòn en àreas protegidas a travès del deporte, para la promociòn del desarrollo alternativo sostenible

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Iscr. Anagrafe Unica Onlus 14 Luglio 2004, Prot. N. 26548
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